Ammonia refrigeration systems represent a potential safety hazard and risk, which need to be adequately managed. Depending on the amount of ammonia, system details, safeguards and location, the owner/operator needs to assure that hazards and risk are kept below acceptable levels, dictated by local legislation and internal company policies.
We provide a variety of services to help end-users in navigating through this jungle. Our expertise and experience is built upon past global responsibility for ammonia process safety management strategy and implementation in one of the largest end-user companies in the world, as well as from development work for ammonia safety legislation and associated safety standards for various national authorities, standardisation and certification bodies.
We deliver following services:
- Support company/site management to comply with local legal requirements
- Develop company/site internal ammonia safety policy and support/coordinate implementation
- Support and coordinate ammonia safety reviews, audits and improvement projects
- Identify if hazards need to be quantified and/or if Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRAs) are necessary or helpful for you, based on long-term experience with performing QRAs for large ammonia systems and small hermetic hydrocarbon systems. Where relevant, we may liaise with recognised QRA professionals
- Provide ammonia safety training (see separate page)
- Perform ammonia Incident investigations (see separate page)